Thursday, April 11, 2013

Is Teaching a Profession Worth Entering?

The above article/ blog by Randy Turner, brings to light some of the current issues within the teaching profession.  Unfortunately, there are many valid reasons this authors has for why young adults should choose NOT to become a teacher.  With the new changes in laws and practices in regards to education, teachers are loosing their respect and are being belittled and devalued.  Our jobs are being dictated by standardized tests and our salaries leaning toward merit pay.  In these times, is this really a profession that a young person, starting a new career, would want to enter into?


  1. I truly believe that teaching is a wonderful profession but with the current issues regarding curriculum and common core standards, as well as testing, there is no room for teacher individuality. Teachers are being forced to teach to the test, based on the pressures from above (from principals to districts up to state level).

  2. I think it's really sad that young people are being discouraged from entering the profession. I have seen how difficult it is for young teachers to feel accomplished and respected. There are so many demands being placed on teachers, especially in regards to testing. It is a shame that the younger students, whom children seem to relate to the best, are discouraged from this career.

  3. I have many friends who have recently gone into the profession or will be entering in the near future. I think the article presents a very pessimistic view. I believe that many professions are facing challenges now and while it may be a difficult field to enter right now, teachers are needed and changes need to be made. My friends who have started teaching recently are happy with their decision and enjoy teaching. However, most of them are overwhelmed and may have been unprepared for what a demanding job it would be. Rather than discouraging people from entering the field, I believe it's more important to empower them to make changes in regards to evaluations and curriculum expectations. Another issues discouraging people from the field is the budget cuts and lack of jobs. I believe this is a big issue that is causing people to choose other field or lose their enthusiasm about being great teachers.

  4. Thank you for your comments. I hope that with time, teachers gain some of their respect or pride in the profession back. With strong leaders/ unions, there should be a change for the better coming in the near future and those thinking of entering into this great profession, will not be discouraged.
